...... b a b i e s ......

Dello Yasahiro
(My Nephew... Son of Delsie Arfiando Shanur & Budiani)

Gavin Refa Maheswara
(2nd Son of my friend, Mas Rizal)

Darrel Refa Ganendra
(1st Son of my friend, Mas Rizal)

Dealina Arfiany Shanur
(my lovely sist.. and she's 13 years old girl now)

Suri Cruise
(errhh, she's one of a kind!)

Apple Martin
(look at her!!... or her dad! haha..)

Shiloh Jollie Pitt
(don't know what exactly the name heheh. but can u see the lips..arrhh)

Harlow Winter Kate Madden
(She's really got her dad's look)

(randomly baby, yet, this is cute!)

(My baby wannabe. Soon. Yes, soon!)

Oh how i love babies.......


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